"Prime Minister Abe established a Strategic Council for AI Technologies in 2016 to ensure a
coordinated approach across multiple ministries and agencies to developing AI research, education/skills and business.
In April [2017], Prime Minister Abe announced plans to increase the science
and innovation budget by 900 billion yen by 2020 to drive competitiveness. The Ministry of Internal
Opportunity through learning
Affairs and Communications (MIC) has forecast that in 2045 (the year in which some estimate AI will
surpass human intelligence), the economic impact of AI for Japan will be 121 trillion yen.
New policy and funding programs are being implemented this year across MIC, the Ministry of
Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and
Industry (METI), as well as the health and agriculture portfolios."
Source: (2017)